What's On

New Works - Peter Edmonds & Fenella Christian
Exhibition 9 February - 2 March
Opening 9 Febraury 2 - 2pm ​
"New Works" is a collection of work over the last 12 months by Fenella Christian & Peter Edmonds. Carvings, cartoons, collagraph printing and much more.

Everybody's Market
Saturday 15th Feb 10am - 1pm
​Come one come all to Everybody's Market. All kinds of stalls for all kinds of people. Situated on the village grounds.
STALL HOLDERS: please book with manager@aoteaahv.nz to hold your spot. Allocated stalls are held.

Tau - Aria Whaanga
Exhibition November 15 - December 3​
​Experience the intricate art of Aria Whaanga in her latest exhibition 'Tau'.

True Tales - Book Launch
Book launch at the History Hut
December 6, 4 - 6pm
Just in time for everyone to get copies for Christmas.
The 2024 edition has over 80 stories covering life on the Island from 1800's to present day.

60 Days of Summer - Members Exhibtion
Hand in date: by December 2
Exhibition December 6 - February 6, 2025​
Celebrating our members & new members to showcase the vibrant creative people of Aotea. This is the time to bring in new work, re stock or consider joining AAHV. Let's fill your community art gallery with Summer. What would summer look like if you were to wear it, smell it, dance with it, write about it in a poem or view it. What does Summer mean to you? All mediums. This is a 60-day members & new members exhibition.
For more information email Helen at coordinator@aoteaahv.nz